Treći osnovni sud u Beogradu danas je odredio pritvor N. M (59) koji se sumnjiči da je neovlašćeno držao u automobilu 1.249 paklica cigareta bez akciznih markica Srbije. Kako je saopštilo Treće osnovno javno tužilaštvo u Beogradu, N. M. je saslušan zbog sumnje da je izvršio krivično delo [...]
The main idea of the text is that a 59-year-old man, identified as N.M., was arrested and imprisoned for possessing over 1,200 packs of cigarettes without excise stamps. This is not his first offense, as he has a previous conviction for the same crime. The court ordered his imprisonment due to the quantity of illegal cigarettes found and his previous criminal record.
Essentially, the article reports on a man being apprehended for engaging in illegal cigarette trafficking.
The main idea of the text is that a 59-year-old man, identified as N.M., was arrested and imprisoned for possessing over 1,200 packs of cigarettes without excise stamps. This is not his first offense, as he has a previous conviction for the same crime. The court ordered his imprisonment due to the quantity of illegal cigarettes found and his previous criminal record. Essentially, the article reports on a man being apprehended for engaging in illegal cigarette trafficking.